Projekts, kura ietvaros tika izveidots moderns, pasaules standartiem atbilstošs multifunkcionāls beramkravu terminālis Baltijas jūras reģionā, ievērojot augstākos vides prasību standartus.
Projekts, kas prasīja ciešu sadarbību starp Latvijas un Lietuvas speciālistiem un iekļaušanos ļoti īsā darbu izpildes termiņā.
Mežaparka Lielās estrādes pārbūves projekts, kas paredzēja skatītāju zonas un estrādes pielāgošanu 2018. gada XXVI Vispārējiem latviešu Dziesmu un XVI Deju svētkiem.
Projekts, kura rezultātā Ādažu centrālā iela kļuvusi draudzīgāka gājējiem un velosipēdistiem.
Projekts, kas ieguva 1.vietu konkursa “Gada labākā būve Latvijā 2017” nominācijā “Inženierbūve”.
Projekts, kura ietvaros rekonstruēts vairāk kā 10 km garš ceļa posms, izbūvēts jauns rotācijas aplis un veikta pārvadu pār dzelzceļu un Vidzemes šoseju pārbūve.
Pirmais projekts valsts ceļu tīklā, kur grunts stabilizēšanai tiek pielietota kombinēto betona kolonnu un pāļu kolonnu izbūves metode.
Starptautiskā lidosta "Rīga" kļuva modernāka un drošāka – atjaunots skrejceļš un izveidota nepieciešamā infrastruktūra.
EUR 8.8 M
August 2016 - October 2017
SJSC Latvijas Valsts ceļi
JSC LNK Industries, LTD Tilts
Reconstruction project of the cover of the A10 main state highway provided for the cold processing (recycling) works of the existing covering, construction works of the structural covering layers and laying of asphalt concrete covering, marking of covering and road equipment installation works.
In contrary to the usual practice, when a reverse traffic flow is being organized in the construction works area, performing construction works by lanes, the contractor constructed the temporary lane during the reconstruction of the A10 highway in the section km 20.06 – 23.84, ensuring the two-directional traffic. The traffic in the construction section km 36.49 – 38.57 from the state highway was directed along the by-pass – the local government streets, allowing to carry out the construction of constructive layers of the road section under construction in full width. Both aforementioned solutions allowed avoiding the use of temporary lights, not creating additional difficulties in the conditions of high traffic intensity.
Reconstruction works of the bridge over the Lielupe River, taking into account the intense traffic of the A10 highway and total length of the bridge (420m, span scheme 42 + 63 + 84 x 3 + 63 m), were carried out by lanes, not closing the bridge for traffic, thus avoiding construction of the temporary bridge and directing traffic via the Jurmala resort city.
Reconstruction works of the bridge over the Varkali Channel (total length of 61.4m, span scheme 18.2 + 25 + 18.2m) and organization of restoration works of the road overpass in km 37.32 (total length is 62.2m, span scheme 18.6 + 25 + 18.6m) was carried out in a way that the traffic restrictions would be reduced to a minimum.
The main challenges of the project were associated with the supplying of construction materials and correct planning of construction sections in the conditions of high traffic intensity, as well as established quality requirements for the materials to be used in the project (NI class mineral materials), which in Latvia have a limited resource.
Bearing capacity and sustainability of the structures of the main state highway and adjacent constructions has been increased as the result of the reconstruction, ensuring more convenient and safer traffic movement, confirmed by the increasing intensity of traffic.
The performed work was awarded the 1st place in the nomination Engineering Structure of the competition The Best Structure of the Year in Latvia 2017.
Total length of the sections of the A10 highway reconstructed in the scope of the project is 6.67 km.
Construction of the asphalt covering top layer of the highway carriageway of 71,9 thousand m2, laying of carriageway chip base of 54.4 thousand m2.
Cold processing (recycling) of the existing asphalt concrete covering and unrelated material of 66.3 thousand m2.
Construction of concrete troughs, replacement of the culverts, metal security barriers and traffic organization equipment, application of horizontal marking.
Bridge over the Lielupe River: enforcement of the reinforced concrete slabs of the carriageway, creation of sidewalk, replacement of waterproofing and carriageway covering, new lighting poles, expansion joints and security barriers installed.
Bridge over the Varkali Channel: span structures reinforced by replacing beams, construction of a slab of new lightweight aggregate concrete over the existing beams, creation of the pedestrian sidewalk, placement of a new transition slab, replacement of expansion joint, waterproofing and security barrier.
Road overpass km 37.32: repair works of intermediate poles and end poles, construction of a slab of new lightweight aggregate concrete over the existing beams, replacement of expansion joint, waterproofing and security barrier.
Construction of the structural reinforcement: 453t; concrete works: 2.1 thousand m3; creation of the glued waterproofing: in the volume of 8.1 thousand m2.
Cleaning of the degraded area around the pond between the A10 highway and the ramp to Pavasari, in future being managed by SJSC Latvijas Valsts ceļi.