Railway Construction

The A.C.B. Group has developed the possibility to carry out railway construction, mound construction, crushed stone ballast supply and application, railway track and crossing construction.

Railway construction works:

Construction site preparation works:

engineering-communications relocation, measurement, construction site tidying up, collection and removal of surplus soil.

Railway mound construction:

soil delivery and application, formation and application of a protective layer, reinforcement of geomaterial insertions and slopes, soil bed levelling out, ditch formation and reinforcement.

Railway track construction:

railway mound ballasting with crushed stone ballast, sleeper and inventory rail embedding, construction up to the project mark, long rail assembly.

Station platform construction:

platform block assembly, water runoffs, communication and approach construction, slope reinforcement, platform area formation.

Railway crossing repairs and reconstruction, new railway crossing construction:

dismantling the concrete surface of railway crossings, replacement of existing sleepers, assembly of a new concrete or rubber surface, access route repairs and new access route construction.

Railway culvert reconstruction and construction:

culvert cleaning, base, wall repairs, embedding of new culverts under railway tracks, renovation of concrete and application of new concrete.

The A.C.B. Group has vast experience in the construction of railway tracks.

These works entail a full set of works, ranging from track demarcation, soil removal, mound and protective layer construction through to the application of chip ballast and construction of railway tracks. A.C.B. is also experienced in the construction of automated and communications railway systems. Works are carried out in conformity with all specific railway construction requirements. Our specialists have received access for the performance of work on the railway track bed in both stages that are to be newly built, as well as on railway infrastructure that is already actively operating. Our experience allows us to carry out works using not only our own means, but also to successfully manage large railway building and reconstruction projects, recruiting sub-contractors for specialised jobs.